Wednesday, February 6, 2008

weird realization!!!

Maybe God wanted us to meet the wrong
person before meeting the right one so
that when we finally meet the right
person, we will know how to be grateful
for that gift. Maybe when the door of
happiness closes, another opens, but
often we look so long at the closed
door that we do not see the one which
has been opened for us. Maybe the best
kind of friend is the kind you can sit
on the couch for just 5mins and realize
that you have opened up your whole life
story to him/her,or perhaps the person
you can call in the middle of the night
to share the happenings and
sometimes even if both of you may never
say a word at eachother for a certain
moment,and yet when your eyes meet you
just smile coz you know exactly what
the other person is thinking. and at
the back of you mind you tell!that was the best
conversation you have ever had.

Maybe it is true that we do not know
what we have until we lose it, but it
is also true that we do not know what
we have been missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love is never
an assurance that they will love you
back. Do not expect love in return;
just wait for it to grow in their
heart; but if it does not, be content
it grew in yours. It takes only a
minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and perhaps a day
or two to love someone, but it takes a
lifetime to forget someone. Do not go
for looks, they can deceive. Do not go
for wealth, even that fades away. Go
for someone who makes you smile because
it takes only a smile to make a dark
day seem bright. Find the one
that makes your heart smile.

There are moments in life when you miss
someone so much that you just want to
pick them from your dreams and hug them
for real.Dream what you want to dream,
go where you want to go, be what you
want to be, because you have only one
life and one chance to do all the
things you want to do. The happiest of
people do not necessarily have the best
of everything, they just make the most
of everything that comes along their
Happiness lies for those who cry, those
who hurt, those who have searched and
those who have tried, for only they can
appreciate the importance of people who
have touched their lives. The brightest
future will always be based on a
forgotten past,you cannot go on well in
life until you let go of your past
failures and the heartaches.
so make love to the present and screw
the past!!!!

27 footprints:

freesherry said...
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freesherry said...

quite a thinker you are now, aren't you
nice post.. loved the part about dreaming and being whatever we want to be.. dreams you see are way of making our wildest wishes come true at least in our minds..
and the last line just took the cake

Anonymous said...

oyehoye soniyo tussi to vadde thoughtfulho gaye ho......loved it :)

Anonymous said...

***********Maybe it is true that we do not know
what we have until we lose it, but it
is also true that we do not know what
we have been missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love is never
an assurance that they will love you
back. Do not expect love in return;
just wait for it to grow in their
heart; but if it does not, be content
it grew in yours*************

they r gems........eternal moti :)

Mez said...

Hey i have read this before i guess. Did u write this?

maverick said...

lol..nice post..liked it...somehow i hope wat u ve written...can b exercised by u n alot of other ppl...allow the post to make a change :)

nisha said...

thanx sherry
dis breakup has made me a thinker...

nisha said...

tahnk u sweetie
ab sangat ka kuch to asar hoga na

nisha said...

yes baby i have ritten dis
dis is so familiar to u boz few lines r picked from famous quotes

nisha said...

haan am tryin to exercise whatever i have ritten
thanx a lott

Cinderella said...

OMG, this is such a beautiful post !!!
Lifetd my sorry spirit. Thnx girl.
And thnx for dropping by..

IncorrigibleV said...

quite a few realizations in there :) nice to favs
"Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile."
"There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real."
This happened to me just yday :)

Anonymous said...

no updates ?

♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

feels like u found sum 1 :P

Rahul... in City of Dreamz said...

Beautiful words nisha. . So true :)

A said...

sab ki ek hi kahani kaise??????

Zahid said...

Hmm...When i read this blog i think of one thing...when he reads this blog how will he be feeling...wont he want to call poochu again... wont he want to hug you once more....wont he have cried ...I dunno !!! Do you also cry when you write the blog?? I dunno...

Occasional Brilliance said...

i agree... you never really miss the water until its gone... but to wallow is never really an option one should give oneself...

... said...

Nice! I see you are doing your bit of soul searching.


Junius said...

appy alentines ay :D

(T) (H) (B) said...

Screw the past. How true..

Niiyara said...

It was all so lovely, and even more so true! I love how you picked the tiniest moments, and show what a huge impact they have. And it's true about meetin a wrong person before the right. If you only meet one, how can you know if he's the One, or just the first!

kyamaloom said...

Aila! Thats so relative and so true.

Write more.

kyamaloom said...

And yes you're so write.

A breakup surely makes you a thinker! :)

sid said...

Happened to drop by & couldnt leave without letting you know that I found the piece extremely well crafted! Gr8!

Sach1 said...

nice words there...
love is certainly an illusion...

Alameen said...

knock knock..
where are you.. ?